March 2019 Council Meeting

March 15, 2019

Those Present: Councilmembers Matt Argyle, DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Clerk Amber Smith, Maintenance Supervisor Doug Thompson, Matt Raczak, Mayor Stephan Waechtler, Adam McKenzie, Paul Critchlow, Lisa Humphreys, Nadine Price, Tiffany Ricks, Morgan Collins, Glenn Hunter, Lee and Lacey Critchlow, Sherilyn Christensen, Hyrum Critchlow, Travis and Suzanne Stoddard, and Anthony Valles

Meeting called to order:  7:03 pm                           Invocation:  Councilmember Matt Argyle

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Matt Argyle the council accepts the published agenda. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Minutes from February 5, 2019 regular council meeting were reviewed.  The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Marty Nate to accept the minutes as reviewed.  Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried.

Mayor Steve opened up a discussion to review the dog ordinance and people’s concerns and comments. The community was then allowed to discuss situations they’ve encountered with two dogs that have been loose in the city of Georgetown.   The community expressed their concerns and then Adam, the city’s attorney, said that the city may want to amend the ordinance and redefine what a vicious dog is and what penalties should be applied.  Some of the suggestions are as follows:

*Make it a big dollar amount if dogs are caught roaming around

*Enforce the rule of animals being contained and on leashes

*Enforce identification of who the animal belongs too, wear tags, etc.

*Have vicious animals removed from city limits

*Have a massive insurance on dogs

*Grade the level  of viciousness

The city attorney is going to draft an ordinance for vicious dogs to be reviewed at the next city council meeting.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Marty Nate to send a letter to the owner of the dogs that she has so many days to remove the dogs from city limits.  Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried.

Anthony Valles presented a plan to the council to have a convenience store in Georgetown. The council told him some steps that he would need to take. He will report back to the council when this has been acted upon.

Adam went through the water bond, ordinance # 95 with the council. Councilmember Greg Kunz made a motion for the Mayor to sign the water bond.  Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried.

Police Report: Officer Martinez made 25 contacts for the month of February.

Maintenance Report: Doug gave his report for the month of February and he has plowed and sanded the roads.  The county had to come out and clean Stringtown Road.  He has dug one cemetary plot this month.

Office Business:   There were 16 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of February.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Greg Kunz for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of February 2019 in the amount of $15,493.96 in the general fund, $31,564.66 in the water fund, and $20,669.34 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $67,727.96. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion.  All were in favor and motion carried.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Greg Kunz that council adjourns from the March 2019 council meeting at 9:50 pm.  Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted,

Amber Smith, City Clerk-Treasurer

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