February 5, 2013 – Council Minutes
Tuesday, March 26th, 2013February 5, 2013
Those Present: Matt Argyle, Joe DeClark, Clerk Lynette Smith, Doug Thompson, Gary Thompson, Mayor Bob Van Cleave, Marty Nate, Mable Whitmore
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Councilmember Matt Argyle
The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle that the council accepts the published agenda. Councilmember Gary Thompson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Minutes from the January 8, 2013, regular council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Joe DeClark the council approve the minutes as read. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The backhoe agreement was presented before the council. This agreement is to be reviewed and approved by both parties on an annual basis. Both parties have agreed that all is well and no changes need to be made at this time. Councilmember Joe DeClark made the motion to accept and sign the agreement for the year 2013. Councilmember Gary Thompson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Marty Nate of the Twin Creeks Committee reported that she called and reserved Cliffhanger Recreation to come to the festivities again this year and will need to send them a deposit of $400.00. Councilmember Joe DeClark made the motion to send Cliffhanger Recreation the deposit of $400.00 to reserve them for July 20th for the Twin Creeks Celebration. Councilmember Gary Thompson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Marty is looking for other bands to come this year because Saddlestrings is unavailable. She is going to meet with the committee and will suggest the City’s proposals of not doing the luncheon or the treasure hunt. Councilmember Joe said that he has done the archery booth for the last few years and is not interested in doing it again this year. He thinks that there should be an opportunity for someone else to come in with something in place of the archery, such as a dunking machine or something of that nature. She had some proposals of her own and suggested that the City should still be in charge of the luncheon and the treasure hunt. She feels the City should still oversee the treasure hunt and should find someone else not City affiliated to actually do the treasure hunt. She also mentioned that her committee has found a $1,000.00 grant from Disney that could be used for a sound system for the movies in the park, Twin Creek Days, and other events the City would see fit. She also had an idea for turning the Country Corner into a historical store and would like to have it fixed up and put in a library and other historical effects in the store.
City Attorney, Adam McKenzie, formed a memo for the councilmembers to review addressing the public nuisance located at 364 Main Street. His memo asked the council to set a date for Mr. T.J. Johnson, the building renter, or the building owner, James King, to have the nuisance of rotten meat to be removed and abated. This date would be delivered to Mr. Johnson and Mr. King in the form of a letter from Adam’s office. If no action is taken by either the building owner or the renter then the City has the authority to declare the building a public nuisance and to order the nuisance to be removed and abated and can file misdemeanor charges against Mr. Johnson. Mayor Bob asked Clerk Smith to get in touch with Adam about pursuing a search warrant for the property first and then go from there.
According to the audit from Gary Teuscher, there is a need for the water and sewer funds to pay back the general fund for expenses made throughout the fiscal year. Councilmember Gary Thompson made the motion to pay back the general fund in the amount of $12,764.41 from the water fund to pay in full for water charges, and $10,000.00 from the sewer fund to pay a portion of the sewer charges owed. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Councilmember Joe DeClark reported on making the grand tour to Pocatello for a meeting with Keller Associates at their office, along with Mayor Bob and Doug Thompson. The meeting consisted of making final arrangements for the wastewater project and submitting those arrangements for approval by DEQ.
Councilmember Matt Argyle reported on the County Landfill having an interest in the excess clay from building the new sewer ponds. There will need to be an agreement made between the County Commissioners and the City Council about to how proceed with removing the clay. Clerk Smith will write a letter to Commissioner Brad Jensen about the County being able to obtain the clay at their own cost of testing its permeability and hauling the clay away.
Police Report: There was no report for the month of January at this time from Officer Skinner because he has suffered a mild stroke around the 25th of January. We wish him to get well soon and will get his reports when he is feeling better.
Maintenance report: Doug Thompson gave his report for the month of January stating that he attended to two pipes being broken and properties and assisted with one house fire in the city at 679 Main Street. He may need to order another fire hydrant because the hydrant used to put out the fire will not shut off now, but he will keep working with it. His testing of samples this month has still been good. He attended a meeting in Pocatello with Joe and Mayor Bob at Keller’s and continues to work with them assisting them with what they need on the wastewater project. He marked a spot for DigLine for Rocky Mountain Power at T.J. Johnson’s new home. He plowed the City and the canyons and reported that the County is going to come and do some plowing maintenance on Stringtown when they get a chance. He maintained the pop machine and is getting ready to dig one grave later this week and has worked on the new cemetery plots to the maps.
Office Report: Clerk Smith reported that there are 15 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of January.
The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of January 2013 in the amount of $11,740.06 in the general fund, $10,260.75 in the water fund, $129,712.26 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $151,713.07. Councilmember Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Gary Thompson that the council adjourn from the February 2013 council meeting at 8:30 pm. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynette Smith, City Clerk