Archive for December, 2015

November Council Minutes

Thursday, December 10th, 2015

November 9, 2015


Those Present:  Matt Argyle, Ada DeClark, Joe DeClark, Glenn Hunter, Clerk Lynette Smith, Doug Thompson, Mayor Bob Van Cleave, DeLoy & Stephanie Kunz, Tim & Jean Neuman, Suzann Stoddard, Cynthia Harrison-Thomas and Shawn Lloyd from Ireland Bank


Meeting called to order:  7:00 pm                            Invocation:  Councilmember Ada DeClark


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Joe DeClark that the council accepts the published agenda. Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Minutes from the October 6, 2015, regular council meeting were read aloud by Clerk Smith. The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle the council accepts the minutes as read. Councilmember Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.


Cynthia Harrison-Thomas and Shawn Lloyd representing Ireland Bank brought a proposal before the council to make sure our banking needs are being met. They said they are also able to offer municipal loans which include loans for equipment. Clerk Smith recommended that the only fund to be moved at this time would be the water funds which are currently at Wells Fargo Bank. The Mayor and Lynette will discuss it further and get back in touch with Ireland Bank once a decision has been made.


Keller Associates emailed a progress report for the wastewater project and the drinking water study. The reported that all of the pay applications have been submitted and paid out so the loan should be ready to move forward with all of the closing documents. Keller’s also recommended that the City apply for a water loan to help pay for the costs of improvements needed following the findings from the study. The City will not be obligated to accept the loan if one is awarded and funds would not be available until July 2016. Councilmember Glenn Hunter made the motion to have Keller’s move ahead with the application for the water loan, free of charge to the City. Councilmember Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Keller’s have also recommended that the City apply for another construction grant from LHTAC to improve Stringtown Lane. They would charge the City $500 to prepare the required 13 copies for the grant. The application for the grant is due at the end of November. Councilmember Ada DeClark made the motion for Keller’s to move forward with the LHTAC construction grant application. Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Lynette also reported that LHTAC has filed the extension from the previous construction grant we were awarded to fix 100 West Street. They have agreed to let us keep the $25,000 left over from that grant to use on Stringtown this coming summer. The extension is good September 2016.


Councilmember Matt Argyle has been looking into the need for a police vehicle. Ada is making a trip to Boise in the near future and will stop in at the State Department to see how much they cost and what is available. We need to be planning toward replacing the existing police vehicle in the next budget year.


Tim and Jean Neuman came before the council to address the animal complaints that have been made against them. They said they have moved the animals to the back of their property and the two dogs that were the problems are no longer around. They feel they have tried to address all areas of complaints and feel it would be unnecessary for the council to implement any stricter ordinances than are already in place because we do live in a rural area and should try to keep it that way. The Mayor suggested that both parties need to learn to get along and communicate with one another.


Councilmember Ada DeClark reported that she is working on getting a committee together for fundraising for new playground equipment in the City Park.


Police Report:   Officer John Martinez made 34 total contacts for the month of October.


Maintenance Report:  Doug Thompson gave his report for the month of October stating that he sent his letter to the EPA, put together the aerator at the sewer ponds and got some things winterized at the ponds. He will do a walk through at the ponds this week to make sure there isn’t anything that needs attention before the warranty runs out in December. He changed the school flashing lights for daylight savings time, turned water and sewer services off at 4 locations and on at 2. He took water samples for testing to Pocatello and all were returned good. He cleaned up the park leaves and branches and had some help from some community service members. He got the lawn mower put away and is working on getting the snow plow ready for the winter. He was able to get the cemetery all fenced in and mowed and also dug a grave for Dwayne Sorenson. He will continue working on prices for replacing all street signs within the City.


Office Report:  There are 8 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of October. Lynette also reported that she had to have her internet service worked on again this month and the bench for the Memorial donated by Agrium is available and ready to be picked up in town. Bruce Hillman from A-1 Insulation stopped by the office and gave a bid of $900.00 to insulate the attic of the City Hall. Councilmember Ada DeClark made the motion to accept his bid and get started on the insulation. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried. Marty Nate has agreed to fill in for Lynette while she is out on maternity leave in January. It was decided to have chili dogs for the Christmas Park celebration this year along with the usual hot chocolate and marshmallows and Santa will make his entrance with the fire truck again this year.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Ada DeClark the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of October 2015 in the amount of $12,392.37 in the general fund,  $8,185.12 in the water fund, $48,862.30 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $69,439.79. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Joe DeClark that the council adjourn from the November 2015 council meeting at 8:30 pm. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Respectfully submitted,


Lynette Smith, City Clerk