September Minutes

September 6, 2022
Those Present: DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Trenton Morrell, Tee Steadman, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Kevin & Marty Nate, Katana Sorensen
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Council President Greg Kunz
The Mayor was excused from the meeting and Council President Greg Kunz conducted. The Council entertained a motion from councilor Tee Steadman to approve the published agenda and was seconded by councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The minutes from August 2, 2022, were read aloud by Clerk Smith. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Councilor Greg Kunz had some follow up from the minutes about people living in their trailers at the properties. Lynette did not send any letters yet because she and Shane felt there was some confusion in Ordinance #100 and Resolution #2021-01 that she was going to send about the fee’s associated and what circumstances you can live in a trailer for. It was decided to send them a letter anyway and invite them to council to explain their plans and to update the Ordinance and Resolution to make it clear that it is not allowed to live in a trailer if you are not building.
Councilor DeLoy Kunz made the motion to move into the public hearing for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and to increase the fee for delinquent water and sewer users. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Tee – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Clerk Smith reported that the office didn’t receive any correspondence and there was no public comment, written or verbal for the proposed budget or the delinquent fees. There was discussion on the delinquent fees to be raised from $50 to $100 when their services are turned off and/or to charge $25 for when notices are delivered by the maintenance guys. Councilor Trenton Morrell made the motion to move out of public hearing and back into the regular meeting. Councilor DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Tee – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Councilor DeLoy Kunz made the motion to approve the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to raise the delinquent fee to $50 when it is turned off and an additional $50 when it is turned back on and $25 to deliver notices. Councilor DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried. Clerk Smith will get put into a resolution to be approved at the next meeting.
Ordinance #107 – An Appropriation Ordinance for the budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 was presented to the Council. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to approve the Appropriation Ordinance #107. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Tee – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Motion carried the council.
Brief discussion on whether or not to annex property up Stringtown. Councilor Trenton Morrell thinks it’s worth it; Greg would have him put in the street, etc to the property being annexed; Tee commented that growth is coming and going to happen, so how do we accommodate it?
Resolution #2007-2 for home based businesses was reviewed by the council. Clerk Smith questioned if it needs to be updated to include parking, noise, signage, etc or to just leave it alone. It was decided to leave the Resolution how it is and that those wanting to have a home based business should acquire a business license at $25 per residence and when applying for a business license they will describe their business and what they are doing so that we know what businesses are in Georgetown. Clerk Smith will prepare a resolution and business license for the next meeting.
Building permits were discussed and their expiration terms. It was decided to leave it at 120 days for regular projects and homes will be the same because the permit doesn’t fully expire unless there has been no progress made or started on the project for those 120 days.
Councilor DeLoy Kunz noticed that there has been a lot of building going on throughout the City and asked if everyone has purchased a permit. Lynette will mail some applications out to those that have not gotten a permit for their building. He also asked Shane if they could locate the fire hydrant by Forest Christensen’s and it was suggested in the spring to put roundup around all of the hydrants so they are all visible and easy to find all year.

Councilor Tee Steadman suggested we hire somebody in the spring to spray the whole town along the right of ways and to look at updating other sections of our water pipes where they have exceeded their life expectancy and that we should look into grants out there to help us to update again before we get into a bind.

Police Report: There were 34 contacts for the month of August and his new radios have been delivered and installed.

Maintenance Report: Shane gave his report for the month of August and stated that he and Alan have fixed a water leak in town and will be boring under the road for the water line up at the top of Stringtown tomorrow. They noticed that the main line needs to be fixed and repaired for leaks in other places. They have been working on the shed with Kevin Nate and will need more help when they get to the sheeting and other things to finish the shed. Alan’s mother passed away over the weekend and so he will not be working for the week to get that taken care of. The council told Lynette to get a card and $50 for them all to sign and give to Alan.
Office Business: There are 22 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of August.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor DeLoy Kunz for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of August 2022 in the amount of $55,725.63 in the general fund, $9,407.83 in the water fund, and $21,011.11 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $86,144.57. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried the council.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Tee Steadman that council adjourns from the September 2022 council meeting at 9:00 pm. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith
City Clerk-Treasurer

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