October Council Minutes

October 6, 2021

Those Present:  DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Curtis McKinney

Meeting called to order:              7:00 pm                                Invocation:         Mayor Steve Waechtler

The Council entertained a motion from councilmember Tee Steadman to approve the published agenda and was seconded by councilmember DeLoy Kunz. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The minutes from September 8, 2021, were read aloud by Clerk Smith. Councilmember Greg Kunz made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Curtis McKinney came before the council to plead his case for his shed that’s been built. He apologized for not doing more research about the setbacks for Georgetown. His shed is small enough that it didn’t need a building permit, but our Ordinance still says 8 feet from the neighbors’ property line. He said that he spoke with his neighbor about the placement and got a letter from him saying he was ok with the placement and his neighbor even helped him to place the shed. The council decided that the precedent has already been set with others in the community being told no and having to move their sheds to conform, so he needs to move his shed and conform as well. Given the time of year, the council extended him some time to get the shed moved and it may turn in to be a spring project because of the weather changing. Curtis agreed to get the shed moved by Spring.

The council decided to carry on with the City sponsored Trunk or Treat again this year since there was such a great turn out last year and it will be held on Saturday, October 30th and begin at 5:00 pm.

A date for the fall cleanup was set for Friday, October 22nd. The Mayor will call Hennings to have them bring out two dumpsters on the evening of the 21st and he will bring down his trailer for people to drop off their metal and he will then haul into Henning’s.

Ordinance #106 for animal control was presented to the council. Lynette emailed the ordinance with the changes discussed at the last meeting to the council to review beforehand. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to accept Ordinance #106 for Animal Control. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Tee – yes, Greg – no, Marty – yes. Motion carried the council.

Councilmember DeLoy Kunz reported that we need to install a no parking sign in front of the hydrant at the church where everyone likes to park for carpooling or to paint the curb as a no parking zone. Shane and Alan will get started on it and paint a few parking stalls to keep vehicles out of the line of the hydrant.

Councilmember Tee Steadman wanted to discuss further the need for a building permit for the tent up Stringtown. They are running power to the tent so it will be more of a permanent fixture. The council agreed that if it will have power and be there permanently, then it should have a permit. Councilmember Marty Nate said she will contact the owners and let them know to purchase a permit. Tee also wondered about signs in the park to have dogs be cleaned up after. Lynette and Shane will get some ordered to be put up around the park. He also wondered about getting some trees to plant along the cemetery to block from the ponds. The Mayor will check with the Forest Service about getting some trees.

Councilmember Marty Nate inquired about what the water peaked out at this year and Shane responded that it held up but hasn’t came back up like usual. He ran the generator for a few days to clean out the water and it cleaned up good. Marty also wanted to set a date for the Christmas Park Lighting event and it was set for the Monday evening following Thanksgiving, on November 29th. The Mayor will call Sean Bartschi to see about help with the food and the welcome. Marty also inquired about the cemetery road and was told that the County can’t do it and Liddl paving can’t do the tar. The Mayor will speak with the County Commissioners and Vaughn Rasmussen about our options to get the road paved.

Police Report:  There were 20 contacts for the month of September.


Maintenance Report: Shane gave his report for the month of September and stated that he and Alan have been digging more graves at the cemetery. The PRV’s up Stringtown had some issues on a Saturday and caused some trouble with citizens’ water pressure throughout town. He and Doug got those fixed and set to the proper pressure and the City had a couple of bad valves. Shane got the system set up on a schedule to be inspected each year. The light on the pole on Hayes Lane that he and Lynette reported last month did get repaired.

Office Business:   There are 15 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of September. Lynette asked for clarification on cemetery deeds being transferred to citizens if there is a limit on that like there is when you purchase the plots outright. The council discussed and decided that they are not held to the 4 plot limit if they have already purchased and then get deeds transferred to them. It was also brought up about a water connection on Main Street and discussed if there needs to be a hookup fee or at least charged a monthly fee to water a yard. The Mayor will speak with the owner and invite him to the next council meeting to discuss the fee.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Greg Kunz for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of September 2021 in the amount of $20,165.89 in the general fund, $11,014.80 in the water fund, and $15,578.00 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $46,758.69. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Greg Kunz that council adjourns from the October 2021 council meeting at 8:45 pm. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted,




Lynette Smith

City Clerk-Treasurer

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