September Council Minutes

September 8, 2021
Those Present: DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, City Clerk Lynette Smith, City Attorney Adam McKenzie
Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm Invocation: Council President Greg Kunz
The Council entertained a motion from councilmember DeLoy Kunz to approve the published agenda and was seconded by councilmember Marty Nate. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The minutes from August 3, 2021, were read aloud by Clerk Smith. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Clerk Smith announced that we have multiple candidates running for councilmembers. Incumbent Mayor Steve Waechtler is rerunning as well as incumbent councilmember Greg Kunz. Also running is Curtis McKinney, Tamalu Glende and possibly will have a write-in candidate as well.
Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to move into the public hearing for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Greg – yes, Marty – yes. There was no public comment, written or verbal for the proposed budget and the office didn’t receive any correspondence either. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to move out of public hearing and back into the regular meeting. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Greg – yes, Marty – yes. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to approve the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Ordinance #105 – An Appropriation Ordinance for the budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 was presented to the Council. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz made the motion to approve the Appropriation Ordinance #105. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: DeLoy – yes, Greg – yes, Marty – yes. Motion carried the council.
Resolution #2021-02 to recapture the forgone amount for the county levy to the budget was presented to the Council. Councilmember Greg Kunz made the motion to accept the Resolution and was seconded by Councilmember DeLoy Kunz. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
City Attorney, Adam McKenzie presented Ordinance #106 for Animal Control to the council. The council noted some changes to be made to the ordinance. Clerk Smith will make the changes to the Ordinance and email to the council before the next meeting to make sure everyone is ok with the changes to approve at the next meeting.
Clerk Smith asked Adam about our Ordinance #100 and if we need to make an amendment to change the fee. Adam advised that our Ordinances do address not staying in trailers, even for those that are not building. He said that if anything, we may need to pass another Resolution to change the fee to $500 for squatters. He will look into for sure and get back to the council.
Councilmember Marty Nate would like to make a donation to the Senior Center. She made the motion to donate $500.00 to the Senior Center. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried. She reported that no one is living in the trailer at the Glende’s and she wondered if anyone had followed up on Angie Hymas’s complaint with her neighbors. The Mayor and Tee are still planning to go and visit the neighbors once they can arrange a time to meet together. She also reported that Curtis McKinney’s shed is too close to the neighbor’s fence lines and that he should be told to move to the correct setbacks. Marty and Greg will go pay him a visit about the shed. Elections will be held on November 2nd in the City Hall, so the office will be closed for regular business that day. She also asked the council about the tent that Rick Peck is using as a shop if it needs a building permit or not. The council decided not to where it is a tent and movable. She reported on her research to pave the cemetery road. It will cost about $4,000 from Parson’s but that doesn’t include the cost of equipment. Shane said he would talk to the County to see of their availability and if they could roll and grade it.
Councilmember Greg Kunz reported that the fire department would like to build a fire station and could get a grant to build it in Georgetown if we would donate them the land. They wondered about using the land on Main Street next to Gary Thompson’s to build the station there. The council discussed giving the fire department the land with the provision that if anything ever changes that the land would revert to the City or to give a 100-year lease verses giving away the land. Greg will get more details to pursue.
Police Report: There were 35 contacts for the month of August.

Maintenance Report: Shane gave his report for the month of August and stated that he and Alan have finished up the seepage tests and Keller’s is finalizing the reports. The Mayor has sold the service truck to West Motor Co and he will take over to Preston this weekend and bring back a check for $10,000. They fixed some graves and dug some new ones this month for Gayla Finkey, Frances Hamon and Jonathan Hayes. They fixed potholes on the corner of Third Street and have been notified that a new light pole needs to be installed on Hayes Lane by Garth Glenn’s. Shane and Lynette will file a report online with Rocky Mountain Power for the new light pole.
Office Business: There are 16 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of August. Lynette has a conflict with the next meeting date and then the November meeting will need to be rescheduled also because of elections. The council suggested the next two meetings be held on the first Wednesday of the month instead of Tuesday then.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Greg Kunz for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of August 2021 in the amount of $15,606.41 in the general fund, $7,849.06 in the water fund, and $29,299.10 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $52,754.57. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember DeLoy Kunz that council adjourns from the September 2021 council meeting at 9:15 pm. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith
City Clerk-Treasurer

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