April Minutes

April 14, 2020

Those Present: DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Doug Thompson, City Maintenance Shane Clark, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Valerie Ross of News Examiner

Meeting called to order:              7:00 pm                                Invocation:         Mayor Steve Waechtler

The meeting was held via teleconference as to adhere to the Governor’s Stay at Home Orders due to Covid-19.

The Council entertained a motion from councilmember Greg Kunz to approve the published agenda and was seconded by councilmember Tee Steadman. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The minutes from March 3, 2020 and the special meeting on March 17, 2020 were emailed out to everyone to read before the meeting. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to accept the minutes as printed. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The City advertised for an invitation to bid in the paper for the land app site and Lynette reported that she received a couple of inquiries about the lease agreement and property to be farmed but when all was said and done only one bid was submitted from 3 Mile Dairy, Inc. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to accept the bid for 3 Mile Dairy to lease the ground for 5 years. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Ordinance #30 for Trailer Coach Parks was addressed and needs to be looked at being amended. Councilmember Marty Nate has spoken with City Attorney, Adam McKenzie about concern with people living in their camp trailers for extended periods of time and with the Simplot mine coming worried about people trying to park and live in their trailers and the fact that we already have 2 people living in trailers in the City limits right now. Adam suggested starting a new ordinance instead and defining what we think is an RV and putting limitations on it. The Mayor suggested following along with the Forest Service and not being able to park for more than two weeks at a time. With our people living in their trailers right now it is illegal if they hook into the water and sewer system on someone’s property because the ordinance states only one hookup per family unit. The council decided that if someone wants to build a home, they can park their trailer on their lot while building their home, but they must continue to show progress on building the home and break ground within 30 days. The person would have to purchase a building permit and the council would like to put a limit on how many extensions they can get along with a defined end date. If these requirements are not met they will be asked to move their camper off the property or be fined. We have other ordinances, such as #70, that address parking in a trailer park and only being able to stay for 30 days along with Resolution #2011-1 allowing for a temporary use permits that set fines and other limitations. Lynette will get a draft together and work with Adam to complete the Ordinance.


The backhoe agreement between the City and the Irrigation Company was renewed for the coming year. Both parties continue to be happy with the agreement. Tee Steadman made the motion to renew the agreement and to add Shane Clark and Alan Howell to be operators and remove Matt Raczak. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. It was noted that the new operators would still be under the instruction of Doug while using the backhoe until they get more experience and are comfortable using it alone.


The City will have a cleanup day again on April 25th. There won’t be a dinner party afterwards as in years past due to no gatherings during Covid but the City felt like the citizens still needed to have the dumpsters available as the weather is getting better and everyone is starting to do some yard cleanup. The Mayor will arrange for the dumpsters to be brought out and Marty will get the fliers made up and posted.


The council had to set the dates for the budget hearing for the coming fiscal year. The workshop will be held on August 4th and councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to have the budget hearing on September 1st, 2020. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Councilmember Marty Nate asked if there was a need for any trees to be planted anywhere this year as the soil and conservation district is selling them right now. Doug said we could probably hold off another year.


Police Report: There were 26 contacts for the month of March.


Maintenance Report:  Doug gave his report for the month of March stating that he has been mostly burning up a lot of his comp and vacation time before he retires in May so the City doesn’t have to pay him out those amounts. The maintenance department has hired two new guys to take over for Doug. Shane Clark is the new full-time employee and started April 1st and Alan Howell will be part-time and begin on May 1st. The water was shut off in the town today to repair a leak on East Street. The City cell phone was discussed, and Shane said he would rather give out his personal number and get paid a portion towards his phone vs carrying around another phone. The City will pay him $40 a month towards his personal phone, which is the amount the City pays for the phone now. Shane would also like to get a laptop to use at the shop and could hopefully get to the point he could take it in the vehicle to map out water and sewer lines throughout the City at some time. Shane will do some research and get with Lynette to purchase a laptop that he wants. Lynette mentioned that upon Doug’s retirement that he needs to get a significant gift that he can use and asked the Council their opinions on gifts or just applying it all to his PERSI account for his sick leave as well. The council said to confer with Doug about what he would like most.


Office Business:   There are 18 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of March. Clerk Smith also reported that Chuck Sims had renewed his building permit to remodel his home. The council had discussed the option of awarding scholarships to graduating seniors in Nounan, Bennington and Georgetown. Lynette conferred with Adam about being able to do that and he said if the City has the funds, we are welcome to award scholarships if we want. The council opted to table until next year due to the lateness in the year. Lynette also mentioned that her printer is giving her the fits again so she will be looking at getting a new one and maybe there will be some deals coming up soon for laptops and printer combos.


The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Marty Nate for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of March 2020 in the amount of $14,989.54 in the general fund, $6,537.87 in the water fund, and $20,860.94 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $42,388.35. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried. Councilmembers Marty Nate and Tee Steadman will go down to the office individually to sign the prepared checks and vouchers.


The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Marty Nate that council adjourns from the April 2020 council meeting at 8:05 pm. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Respectfully submitted,



Lynette Smith

City Clerk-Treasurer


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