November Council

November 7, 2019

Those Present: Matt Argyle, DeLoy Kunz, Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Doug Thompson, Matt Raczak, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Kevin Martin of Sunrise Engineering, Ferrel & Susan Dilworth, Joann Dilworth by phone, Creed Harwood, Tami Cook, Adam DeClark, Adam McKenzie City Attorney by phone

Meeting called to order:              6:30 pm                                Invocation:         Mayor Steve Waechtler

The Council entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle to approve the published agenda and was seconded by councilmember Greg Kunz. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Clerk Smith proceeded with reading the minutes from October 2, 2019 and councilmember Greg Kunz made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The Dilworth’s came before the council to discuss their invoice for a separate water and sewer hookup for their additional home. They were concerned about the added costs from the $3000 fees. Councilmember Marty Nate read to them the portion of the Ordinance that says it is an impact fee for the opportunity to connect to the main line, but it doesn’t include the extra fees incurred such as parts, labor, backhoe, etc. because those fees vary as every hookup is different as to how far away from the line that they are and how long it takes to install, etc. JoAnn expressed their concerns and they feel there is a lack of clarification of there being an impact fee. The council decided to table and have a Special Meeting on the 19th at 7:00 pm to discuss further and that those that may attend the meeting are those that were there originally when Greg and Marty met with the Dilworth’s to discuss installing the additional hookup in the first place.

Kevin Martin of Sunrise Engineering came before the council to give an update on the water project. He reported that there needs to be more cleanup and he will relay that to Ready Service Jobbers. The chlorinator building will be finishing up soon and the PRV’s won’t be here until December so they will be pushed back to spring for installation. The chlorinator building will be ready by mid-December; dependent on Rocky Mountain Power. City Attorney Adam McKenzie was brought in by phone to discuss his findings on getting an easement from the landowner, Dennis Sudweeks. The City already has an existing easement on the property for the water but needs a separate easement for the power. Adam needed measurements which will be 10 ft all the way around on each side and underneath. It will require removing a lot of trees and maintenance to keep those trees out of the line of the power. Rocky Mountain Power has already come and installed the pole and the cables to the pull lines. The council suggested looking into going underground with the power in order to save the trees and maybe eliminate the need for a separate easement and follow along the existing water line. Kevin expressed there may be a separate cost to go underground vs. above; he will look into and report back to Lynette. Kevin discussed what happened at the latest construction meeting and they all went over each change order individually where RSJ was requesting more money. It was settled on roughly $6,000 in change orders vs $15,000 with compromises on all sides. There will be another change order coming for a head gate of $2,600. Substantial completion of the project will be July 1, 2020.

Tami Cook came before the council to update on the progress of the Dog Ordinance. The Ordinance draft was reviewed together, and they decided to remove anything that is related to impounding or quarantine. The council will take home and review for the next meeting again. The council voiced their appreciation for Tami’s time.

Creed Harwood came before the council and would like an approach to get to the old railroad right of way to avoid having to go onto the highway with his team of horses. He was told to stay West of the sewer line off of Donna Cunningham’s. He will install a gate from his property to the right of way. Councilmember Matt Argyle made the motion to allow him to do so and Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The Christmas Lights in the Park Celebration will be on December 2nd at 6:00 pm. Lynette will make arrangements with Santa and get the flyers posted and to the kids at school and Marty will get the food ready.

From the Election on Tuesday, November 5th DeLoy Kunz received 44 votes for councilmember for another 4-year term and Tee Steadman received 43 votes for a 4-year councilmember term. The council voted to accept and canvass the votes.

Resolution #2019-01 defining that there are extra fees associated with water hookups was brought forth before the council and read in its entirety by Clerk Smith along with Resolution #2019-02 defining the extra fees associated with sewer hookups. Councilmember Greg Kunz made the motion to accept both Resolutions as read. Councilmember Marty Nate seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Matt – yes, DeLoy – yes, Greg – yes, Marty – yes.

Resolution #2019-03 in support of the Bear River Heritage Area was read in its entirety by Clerk Smith. Councilmember Marty Nate made the motion to accept the Resolution as read. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Matt – yes, DeLoy – yes, Greg – yes, Marty – yes.

Councilmember DeLoy Kunz discussed that there are more parking violations that need to be addressed and cited.

Councilmember Matt Argyle would like to give some money to the Bear Lake County Fire District as was discussed in previous meetings and budgeted for to purchase some fire equipment for firefighters. He made the motion to give them $7,000 towards clothing a fighter. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Councilmember Greg Kunz reported that a citizen has possibly purchased another citizen’s business along Stringtown that is not in the business district. He would like to invite the purchaser to the council’s special meeting to discuss concerns about being able to continue the business along Stringtown. Lynette will make arrangments.

Councilmember Marty Nate reported that we need to have a handicap sign out front for parking for elections and to have in place all the time. She also reported back of what Myrtle Johnson and family want to do for a headstone at the cemetery. They would like a headstone with slots in it for a place to set the cremations. The council would still like to see what it will look like and will charge $150.00 per cremation that is placed in the headstone.

Police Report: There were 21 contacts for the month of October and he has started to issue citations to parking violators.


Maintenance Report: Doug gave his report for the month of October stating they have dug one grave for Ellen Clark and been busy keeping up with the water project.


Office Business:   There are 16 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of October. Clerk Smith also reported that the Mayor called and spoke with ICRMP about our sewer chlorinator building and they have decided that it could fall under our policy for earthquake damage which has a deductible of $25,000 and the estimate we’ve received of about how much it will cost to fix the chlorinator building will be around $30,000 so we can be expecting a check for around $5,000 to use towards fixing the building. At least it’s something.


The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Matt Argyle for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of October 2019 in the amount of $35,219.22 in the general fund, $144,779.11 in the water fund, and $25,015.31 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $205,013.64. Councilmember DeLoy Kunz seconded the motion.  All were in favor and motion carried.


The chair entertained a motion from Councilmember DeLoy Kunz that council adjourns from the November 2019 council meeting at 9:30 pm.  Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Respectfully submitted,


Lynette Smith

City Clerk-Treasurer

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