Council Minutes

January 6, 2015


Those Present:  Matt Argyle, Ada DeClark, Joe DeClark, Glenn Hunter, Clerk Lynette Smith, Doug Thompson, Mayor Bob Van Cleave, Marty Nate, Mable Whitmore, Matthew Hill and Ben Marrett of Keller Associates


Meeting called to order:  7:05 pm                            Invocation:  Councilmember Ada DeClark


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Ada DeClark that the council accepts the published agenda. Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Minutes from the December 2, 2014, regular council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Glenn Hunter the council approve the minutes as read. Councilmember Matt Argle seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Matthew Hill of Keller Associates reported to the council giving an update on the wastewater project. He said we will plan on doing a permit hand-off meeting with DEQ in the spring. We are still waiting to receive results from the seepage test. They have begun work on the Plan of Operation and will submit to DEQ when it is ready. They supplied manuals of the QAPP to the City for review and have also submitted to DEQ.


Matthew also reported that the sign grant application was submitted to LHTAC and we should hear back from them soon on whether we will receive the grant or not. Matthew reviewed the contract for the water planning study with the Council and explained that the study will be performed in 6 different tasks. They will come and tour and inspect the facilities in the spring. They have requested a need for records of drawings and information to begin researching our system. Councilmembers expressed concern for when the study is completed if we would need to get a loan and fix problem areas all at once or if it would be possible to prioritize the problem areas and tackle each one on a yearly basis and spread out the costs. Matthew assured the Council that it could be drawn out and the city would be able to pay for repairs on an as needed basis and not pay for everything all at once.


Marty Nate, representing the Twin Creeks Committee came before the Council and a date was set for this year’s celebration on July 11th. She asked for suggestions on any specific changes needed for this year. She will continue to get Cliffhanger Recreation for the rock climbing walls and the blown up equipment for the kids to play on. The council gave suggestions for other families or groups that might be interested in providing the luncheon for a fundraising event instead of the city. Marty will meet with her committee and do more planning and will report back at another council meeting as it gets closer.


Councilmember Joe DeClark expressed to the Council the need for the city to have a backup operator for the wastewater and water departments in case anything were to happen or Doug were out of town at the needed time. He and Doug have spoken with the IRWA Circuit Riders and they would be willing to help for a monthly fee as well as hourly when performing the work. This would only be a temporary thing and most likely they wouldn’t be willing to do it permanently. He and Doug will look into it further and see what kind of an agreement they could make for the time being.


Councilmember Matt Argyle brought to the Council’s attention that the police car was back into Dunford’s Repair again. He suggested that we should begin setting aside money from the different funds to have a fund in case we need a down payment to replace the police car or any of the vehicles and equipment that may suddenly need to replaced.


Police Report:   Officer John Martinez made 34 contacts for the month of December.


Maintenance Report:   Doug Thompson gave his report for the month of December stating that he dug 3 graves this month and had to take out a couple trees to make room for the graves. He plowed and sanded the streets. He asked if Lynette would send out a letter to companies reminding them of our no dig policy in the winter because one company got a water line today that he had to fix. He took some vacation time this month and helped to work on the new equipment shed. He also completed all of his testing for this month and all were returned ok.


Office Report:   Clerk Smith reported that there are 22 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of December. She was also advised by the Council to continue saving $200 per month from the water fund which was being set aside for the generator to now designate it for vehicles or equipment.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Ada DeClark the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of December 2014 in the amount of $11,386.24 in the general fund,  $14,113.58 in the water fund, $20,087.63 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $45,587.45. Councilmember Matt Argyle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle that the council adjourn from the January 2015 council meeting at 8:35 pm. Councilmember Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Respectfully submitted,


Lynette Smith, City Clerk

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