June Special Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2024
Those Present: Greg Kunz, Trenton Morrell, Marty Nate, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, Maintenance Hadley Wright, Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering, Alta Jean Neuman, Tim & LeRoy Huffaker
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
The Council entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate to approve the published agenda for the special meeting and was seconded by Councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering came before the council to discuss the roadway project and brought some information for the council to review and expressed that the important item of topic is that we are over budget for the project. The grant amount is $239,000 and the engineering fee is $31,000 leaving us with $208,000 to use of the grant money towards the project. He suggested there are a couple of options and asked if the City has any funds to use towards the project separate from the grant or if we need to cut the scope of the project back to be closer to $208,000. The City does have $25-30,000 saved up to do chip sealing/patching for roads for the year that could be used towards this project instead. Lots of discussion on where to make cuts at and was decided to cut out Hayes Lane and just do patches there and the portion of the road down to Mario Johnson’s to not have to widen that road at this time either but to fully reconstruct East Street, 3rd Street, and 6th Street. Also took off the sealing because typically you wait and seal the road a year after it’s been laid down. Shane talked to the State and they will save the chips for us to use another year and we are able to get out of the cost of the oil and we could look at chip sealing Hayes Lane next year instead.
Two bids were received from Avail Valley and Idaho Materials Construction at the bid opening last week on June 6th. Avail Valley came in with the lower bid at $270,195. Councilor Greg Kunz made the motion to have the Mayor sign the notice to award the bid to Avail Valley and then do a change order to remove the sealing on 3rd, 5th, Hayes and 5th street reconstruction and get the project down to budget and try to fit in patching on Hayes. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried. Hoping for a start time of late summer.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate that council adjourns from the special council meeting at 7:25 pm. Councilor Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith
City Clerk-Treasurer

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