March 4, 2014 – Council Minutes

March 4, 2014


Those Present:  Matt Argyle, Ada DeClark, Joe DeClark, Glenn Hunter, Clerk Lynette Smith, Doug Thompson, Mayor Bob Van Cleave, Mable Whitmore


Meeting called to order:  7:10 pm                            Invocation:  Council President Joe DeClark


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle that the council accepts the published agenda.  Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Minutes from the February 4, 2014, regular council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Matt Argyle the council approve the minutes as read. Councilmember Joe DeClark seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


The audit for fiscal year 2012-2013 will be postponed until next council meeting in April.


The shed for the backhoe and other equipment will continue to be discussed with final arrangements to be made in April or May. Councilmember Joe DeClark and Doug will make more measurements and find the place on the City property for the shed to be built and get better figures for how much the shed will cost and report back at the next meeting.


On the wastewater project, the contractor is still on shutdown for the winter but Doug has contacted Taylor Construction about coming to fill a sink hole in front of Ken Patterson’s house and they should be out this week to fix that. In the change order that was approved at last month’s meeting, there was an additional 10 days added to the contract. Keller’s has sent the change order that needs to be signed by the Mayor so it can be sent to DEQ.


Councilmember Joe DeClark has read through the entire Comprehensive Plan. He reported that no changes need to be made at this time until the wastewater project is finished and then we should add a page about the project into the plan and it should be good for another 7 years until it needs to be reviewed again.


Councilmember Matt Argyle would like to get bids from multiple companies for the insulation in the City Shop.


Councilmember Ada DeClark said that she will be setting up a table at Twin Creek Days to promote volunteer fireman in the City. At this time there are only 2 volunteer firemen that serve in the County, here in Georgetown. She also spoke with Georgetown Elementary School to see if they had any needs that the City could help with at this time. The only need they expressed is for new playground equipment. Ada would like the City to think about donating $2000.00, to the school to use for a new piece of playground equipment.


Police Report:   Officer John Martinez began working on March 1st.


Maintenance Report:   Doug Thompson gave his report for the month of February stating that he pushed lots of snow this month and had the County come along Stringtown and the canyon. He got the police car out for Officer Martinez, sealed the roof of the backhoe and plowed the roads at the cemetery. He turned water on at one location and off at one location. He sent his EPA letter for the month and has continued to test his samples which have all been good. He contacted Taylor Construction to fill the sink hole in front of Ken Patterson’s home and has had a few people contact him about submitting bids for the lawn maintenance at the City Park for this summer.


Office Report:   Clerk Smith reported that there are 16 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of February. She asked if the council needed to look into opening the budget to allow for Officer Martinez to receive PERSI because Officer Skinner did not receive PERSI and when we did the last budget there was no money added to that line item to allow for a future officer to receive PERSI. The council decided to wait and ask our CPA, Gary Teuscher, about what needs to be done and to possibly wait until our next budget year to start Officer Martinez on PERSI.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Ada DeClark the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of February 2014 in the amount of $12,781.33 in the general fund,  $6,019.16 in the water fund, $15,603.64 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $34,404.13. Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


The chair entertained a motion from councilmember Ada DeClark that the council adjourn from the March 2014 council meeting at 8:00 pm. Councilmember Glenn Hunter seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.


Respectfully submitted,


Lynette Smith, City Clerk

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