April 6, 2010 – City Council Minutes

April 6, 2010

Those present:  Bob Van Cleave, Duane Peterson, Ken Klingenberg, Wanda Dunn, Doug Thompson, Doug Tanner, Dennis Duehren, Ada DeClark, Gary Thompson, J. B. Brown, James Williams, Joe DeClark

Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm

Invocation: Duane Peterson

Minutes from the March 2, 2010 council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from Council member Duane Peterson the council approve the minutes as read. Council ember Gary Thompson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

NuWest Industries and DEQpresented information to the council concerning the remedial action project at the Central Farmers industry site in Main Canyon. Doug Tanner from DEQ handed out progress reports and the proposed remediation plan for the summer of 2010. The project will begin approximately 15th June. There is 8200 yds. of ore left to haul. Soda Phosphate will be moving that out of the area during June and July and the project of re-channeling the creek will be the item focused on this summer. The capping of the clarifier, furnace and slurry pit are complete. Surface and ground water will continue to be monitored and public access to the site will be limited. The council expressed concern with the traffic on Stringtown Lane and the dust control on the canyon road. J. B. Brown told the council dust suppressant would be added to the gravel roads and a safety meeting would be conducted each morning with special emphasis on the Stringtown lane route. Forest ranger Dennis Duehren told the council the forest service has hired a contractor to gravel the road from the Central Farmers site to the Trappers Cabin. Mayor Van Cleave told the council the Horizons’ committee would like to start working on the Veterans memorial in the city park. If the council had any restrictions or concerns with the project the committee would like to be aware of them. He also told the council of a training seminar available for small businesses. The training is being brought to the valley through the Horizons committee and is available at no cost to those interested in the training. The chair entertained a motion from council memento Ada DeClark the council designate September 7, 2010 as the budget hearing date for fiscal year 2011. Council member Duane Peterson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Ken Klingenberg approached the council with a building addition to his residence. The chair entertained a motion from council member Gary Thompson the council approve the building permit for Ken Klingenberg. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Council member Joe DeClark discussed the Twin Creek Celebration specifically the lunch issue. The council discussed whether to charge for the lunch and or how to discourage repetitive returns to the lunch line. Council member Duane Peterson asked if the city was going to have a clean up day and when it would be. Council member Ada DeClark told the council the city did not get the Arbor Day grant. Council member Gary Thompson asked the council if a shed was dismantled did a building permit need to be purchased for a new building to be erected on the same area. The council answered with yes a building permit needs to be purchased for the new building.

The council read the report submitted by Albert Johnson on the Bear Lake Regional commission meeting.

Police Report: Officer Skinner did not have his report ready for the council.

Maintenance Report: Doug took samples for the water and sewer departments, will attend classes in May, will be redoing the water line on East street in phases, the pipe and supplies for the line are here and all is ready just waiting for the weather to cooperate, discovered a water leak on the corner of 7th street and West street, needs to send $200.00 for the water project with the irrigation company to be inspected, the irrigation company will pay for the measuring device and half of the inspection; the chair entertained a motion from council member Ada DeClark the approve the purchase of the measuring device to be used in conjunction with the irrigation company for the water system project with the irrigation company picking up half of the cost of the item. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Keller Associates needed a years’ worth of samples for the treatment plant, will attend a wastewater class in June, sent the EPA letter, finished the bathroom in the city hall, took down Christmas decorations, plowed snow, made chains, needs to purchase stop and yield signs asked the council to consider purchasing street signs many need to be replaced.

Marty reported 12 delinquent water and sewer accounts. Asked the council if she could spend $600.00 for the band “Saddle Strings” for the Twin Creek Celebration. The chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council approve the expenditure for the band. Council member Ada DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously. Reported on Clerk Conference in Boise. It was suggested the employee policy be updated, funding and proposed funds were discussed, and Facebook as being a way to keep citizens informed of events and happenings.

The chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council approve and sign checks and vouchers for the month of March 2010 in the amount of $13,332.58 in the general fund, $9,222.96 in the water fund, $11,018.32 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $33,573.86. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

At 9:00 pm, the chair entertained a motion from council member Ada DeClark the council adjourn from the April 2010 council meeting. Council member Gary Thompson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted by,

Marty Nate, City Clerk

City of Georgetown

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