January 2025 Council Minutes

February 12th, 2025

January 7, 2025
Those Present: Greg Kunz, Trenton Morrell, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering, Realtors at Budge Realty, Nathan Finney
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Mayor Steve Waechtler
The Council entertained a motion from Councilor Trenton Morrell to approve the published agenda and was seconded by Councilor Tee Steadman. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The minutes from December 3, 2024, were prepared by Councilor Marty Nate and read aloud by Clerk Smith. Councilor Greg Kunz made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The realtors from Budge Realty came to the council with a Boundary Line Agreement to be signed by the City and the previous owners, Gary and Ruth Thompson. The Agreement recognizes the property the City has been using and occupying as such and is recognized by the existing fence lines. Councilor Trenton Morrell made the motion to sign and accept the Boundary Line Agreement and was seconded by Councilor Greg Kunz. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Addison Ochsenbein, from Sunrise Engineering came before the council to report on following up with including the sidewalks being fixed and it does fit into our scope for the Transportation Plan Study. It would cost an additional $6,000 to add in and complete the plan. The Grant is capped at $30,000 for the Study. The scope was emailed to the council before hand and they requested more time to review it. Addison also reported that he has a letter of interest ready to go to DEQ for the Drinking Water Loan for our infrastructure. Whether we are selected for funding or not, it is important to submit so the State can see there is a need for more funding. Addison is not real hopeful we will get funding, but he will get it submitted this week for us.
The fee increases for Ordinance #96 road encroachment fees and cemetery fees was tabled until the next meeting in February to ensure the notices get published in time for the Public Hearings.
Councilor Marty Nate spoke with Tim Christensen regarding our Boundary Line Agreement and said we will need a survey done on our piece of property next to the Thompson’s, to get a new legal description. She wondered about needing the old railroad right of way surveyed also. After discussion, most of it has probably already been surveyed in the last few years due to new owners all along there. Marty will follow up if there is a need to complete.
Councilor Greg Kunz said he spoke with Commissioner Wynn Olsen about doing the turn around up Main Canyon and he said they will follow up on it.
Police Report: Sheriff Bart Heslington was unable to attend the council meeting but emailed a report for the council to review for the month of December. They completed 63 hours and had 117 contacts resulting in 10 citations and 38 warnings and 36 traffic stops. Councilor Marty Nate said the Cities of Paris and Bloomington are looking into hiring an officer and have offered for us to join, so maybe we shouldn’t get rid of our police car just yet. We have a 5 year contract in place with the Sheriff’s Office right now. The councilors told her to look into more information about it. Councilor Tee Steadman stated he likes having the Sheriff’s Office because they are always on call and can enforce our Ordinances anytime something arises.
Maintenance Report: Shane Clark gave their report for the month of December and stated that he and Hadley have been plowing the streets. They lost a seal twice on the plow truck and it has been using a case of oil every time they use it and have replaced the hydraulic pump. They have taken the water samples to the lab and all were reported ok. They moved some piles of snow and attended online training, cleared the snow away from the fire hydrants and the ignition switch also got replaced on the plow truck. The Mayor and crew will continue looking for another snow plow.
Office Business: There are 24 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of December. Lynette reported that the Christmas Light Winners were 1st Place Jim & LaRae Ahrens, 2nd Place Marlin & Sandy Bartschi, 3rd Place Jacob & Angelia Kunz. Not all of the winners have came in and claimed their award yet. Lynette will get the W-2’s prepared by the end of the month. The County will be having a Public Hearing next Monday, January 13th during their Commissioners Meeting about the City Impact Area’s. At this time, their new ordinances shouldn’t affect Georgetown because our Impact Area is close enough to our City Limits, but Marty thinks we should look into including a clause in our Ordinances that the County is implementing, that states anytime someone develops or makes changes in the impact area, that the City must be notified and have approval as well. Lynette is ordering new payment booklets for the next 2 years to be mailed out to each homeowner and asked if fees are staying the same. The Mayor suggested that we should follow recommendations of implementing a 3% increase each year. It has been 2 years since we have increased the water fees and over 12 years since we have increased the wastewater fees. Less than 5% increase does not require a public hearing. Councilor Marty Nate said the citizens need to be aware that our infrastructure has some real upcoming issues that we need to be preparing and saving for to lessen a large loan for these updates. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to increase the water and sewer fees 3% and Councilor Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Lynette will order payment booklets to be mailed out with water fees at $46.50 and sewer fees at $62.00 for a total of $108.50 per month.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Greg Kunz for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of December 2024 in the amount of $29,049.87 in the general fund, $21,120.68 in the water fund, and $66,159.10 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $116,329.65. Councilor Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried the council.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Greg Kunz that council adjourns from the January 2025 council meeting at 8:15 pm. Councilor Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith,
City Clerk-Treasurer

February Council Meeting

January 29th, 2025


Tuesday, February 4, 2025 City Hall 7:00 pm



READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES from January 7, 2025, regular meeting


 Sunrise Engineering, Addison Ochsenbein
 Increase Water & Wastewater Fees 3%
 US Bank Closing – Move General Funds Accounts


POLICE REPORT: Bear Lake County Sheriff’s Office


OFFICE BUSINESS: Delinquent water and sewer accounts



Next Meeting:
• City Council regular meeting at 7:00 pm – March 4, 2025, Georgetown City Building – 382 Main St. Questions concerning items appearing on this Agenda or requests for accommodation of special needs to participate in the meeting should be addressed to the Office of the City Clerk or call 208-847-2120.

December 2024 Council Minutes

January 8th, 2025

December 3, 2024
Those Present: Trenton Morrell, Greg Kunz, Tee Steadman, Hadley Wright, Steve Waechtler, Addison Ochsenbein from Sunrise Engineering, Marty Nate
Meeting Called to Order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Steve Waechtler
The Council entertained a motion from Councilmember Tee Steadman to approve the published agenda. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Minutes were read from the November 7, 2024 council meeting by Mayor Steve Waechtler. A correction was made to the minutes. Minutes should read “water from the splash pad is repurposed not recycled”. Councilmember Greg Kunz made motion to accept the minutes with the noted correction. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The Mayor thanked Sunrise Engineering for their Hickory Farms Christmas gift. He, also, informed the council the Senior Center brought cookies out expressing their gratitude for the donation the City made to the center.
Addison from Sunrise Engineering presented a copy of the transportation plan and asked the council to review the plan and if everything is in perspective, he will need to have it approved. Mayor asked when he needed it and he told him probably May or June of 2025. Mayor will have Lynette make copies for all council members and it will be reviewed possibly at the next meeting. Greg asked if the sidewalks could be part of the plan. They are in need of repair and a hazard for several citizens who use a Jazzi to move around town. It would be safer for them to be able to use the sidewalks rather than the highway. Addison told the council he would check into it.
The council reviewed the Christmas Park lighting. The night was warm and people seemed to be enjoying the festivities. Chili was donated by the Sean Bartschi family; hot chocolate by the Drue Smith family and the City provided hot dogs, chips, cookies, marshmallows and Santa. Attendance seemed to be a little bit smaller this year. Shane and Hadley did an awesome job with the lighting. Councilmember Greg Kunz suggested in the future, Lynette should try to get permission from the council to buy new Christmas lights before purchasing them.
The Mayor asked if the council wanted to continue doing the Christmas Lighting Contest that has been done in previous years. The council discussed the issue. Council member Greg Kunz made motion the council approve the Christmas Lighting Contest. First place winner will be awarded a $100.00 gift certificate, second place winner will receive a $50.00 gift certificate, and third place winner will receive a $25.00 gift certificate. Winner will be announced on the 20th of December. Flyers will be posted at the post office, City Hall, and the website.
Lynette contacted several accounting agencies to provide audit services for the City accounts. Gary Teuscher suggested Matthew Regen located in Logan, Utah. He sent a formal letter stating his services and the fee involved with them. His fee is $7900.00 for a year end audit. Gary’s fee for last year was $9600.00, but that included both portions of the audit. State law prohibits him from doing both sides of the audit. Mayor would like to know what the city paid Gary for his portion of the audit process for FY24. The council discussed the issue and the Mayor entertained a motion from Councilmember Tee Steadman the council approve engaging Matthew Regan, CPA to audit the financial statements of the City and issue a report to the City on his findings and recommendations. Councilmember Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The council discussed employee year end bonuses for the year. Councilmember Trenton Morrell made motion the council approve a $500.00 bonus each for Shane, Hadley, and Lynette with a $200.00 for Doug. Councilmember Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Councilmember Marty Nate discussed the suggestion of adding some historical signage at the corner of the church on Stringtown. The area mentioned, houses a fire hydrant and some water lines. She wondered if that would be a problem to add signage there with the existing water lines and hydrant. The council discussed the issue and it was suggested to make the signage removable during the winter months and when necessary to get to the hydrant and water lines. She will continue to research it. She asked the councilmembers if they would like Adam Johnson from the Paris City Council to be in attendance at one of the council meetings to discuss and answer questions about the splash park. Everyone agreed it would be a good thing to have him here.
Tee Steadman told the council he had been in contact with Simplot and discussed the problem with the parking. They had not been aware of the issue but when contacted by the City expressing our concerns, they are working on a solution for the problem. At one time the county was looking into making another parking lot up the Main Canyon, but the county commissioner working on it had lost his seat. Greg will check with Commissioner Wynn Olsen and see if the county will pick it back up again. Tee feels the City needs to look for another snowplow. The City of Bloomington obtained one from an auction site for $11,000.00. Shane said they would start looking and wondered if there were other auction sites the City could check out.
Police Report: none
Maintenance Report: Shane told the council he and Hadley had worked on putting a drain line on Hayes Lane. That hydrant has to run all year or else in the wintertime the lines will freeze up. They trenched the line down to Whitaker’s field, installed piping and created an area where the water can accumulate. They dug a grave at the cemetery, took the monthly samples, got the plow trucks ready for winter, filled the diesel tank with #1 fuel and worked on getting the lights up in the park for the park lighting. Alice finished up her electrical project and the new lines are sweet.
Office business: There are 20 delinquent water and sewer accounts.
The chair entertained a motion from Tee Steadman the council approve and signs checks for the month of November 2024. Councilmember Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
As the evening came to halt, the boys sang “Happy Birthday” to Marty. She soaked up their stupendous voices.
At 8:00 pm, the chair entertained a motion from Councilmember Tee Steadman the council adjourn from the December 3, 2024, council meeting. Council member Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Councilor Marty Nate

January Council Meeting

January 2nd, 2025


Tuesday, January 7, 2025 City Hall 7:00 pm



READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES from December 3, 2024, regular meeting


 Boundary Line Agreement with City and Thompson properties on Main Street
 Sunrise Engineering, Addison Ochsenbein
 To Discuss to adopt a fee and deposit for encroachment on roads Ordinance #96
 To Discuss Cemetery Plots – Increasing fees; weekend funerals


POLICE REPORT: Bear Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Update on Police Car


OFFICE BUSINESS: Delinquent water and sewer accounts, Christmas Light Contest Recap, W-2’s



Next Meeting:
• City Council regular meeting at 7:00 pm – February 4, 2024, Georgetown City Building – 382 Main St. Questions concerning items appearing on this Agenda or requests for accommodation of special needs to participate in the meeting should be addressed to the Office of the City Clerk or call 208-847-2120.

November 2024 Council Minutes

December 19th, 2024

November 7, 2024
Those Present: Greg Kunz, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, Maintenance Hadley Wright, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering, City Attorney Adam McKenzie, Councilor Trenton Morrell absent
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Mayor Steve Waechtler
The Council entertained a motion from Councilor Tee Steadman to approve the published agenda and was seconded by Councilor Greg Kunz. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The minutes from October 1, 2024, were read aloud by the Mayor. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Councilor Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
There are no votes to canvass from this election as it wasn’t a City Election.
Addison Ochsenbein, from Sunrise Engineering came before the council to report on his findings. DEQ has opened for accepting applications for loans, the City would like to keep applying to show we are still in need for a project. LHTAC only has sign grants available and he will look into if crosswalk signs are applicable. He is still working on putting together a scope for the transportation plan and we were awarded $30,000. Plans for safety to the school could be about $36,000. He will get a copy of the scope to Lynette and she will distribute to the council.
Our City Attorney, Adam McKenzie reported back that he has spoken with Mark Parker at the Fire District regarding our lease agreement. He said they don’t have the funds to build and don’t foresee being able to within the next 5-10 years. There is no sense in a lease agreement at this point and there is still concern about them owning the building and the city owning the land if we were to ever part ways. Councilor Greg Kunz is concerned if in 5-10 years we have a whole new council and they may not want to move forward with this if we lose the convenience of having a fire truck and such out this way. Adam recommended selling them the land to try and ensure keeping them in our area and the City could have the first right to buy back if it ever came to that.
Ordinance #96 and encroachment on the roads was discussed and Adam said if we are increasing our fees more than 5% we have to hold a public hearing and the fees can’t be revenue funding but needs to be sufficient to cover our costs. As reported at the last meeting, the last repair was nearly $2500 to fix on Stringtown. Concern about a $900 fee not being enough as costs continue to increase. Adam said that if the applicant doesn’t pay the fee or fails to make the repairs then the City would file a lawsuit. Councilor Greg Kunz is concerned about if the road repair sinks 5 years down the road and it was decided that someone like an Engineer or the City maintenance crew would need to sign off on the repairs to be sufficient with a 1-year warranty before any refunds would be granted. The maintenance crew would also supervise what goes back in beneath the asphalt and ensure it is brought back to existing conditions. A breakdown of requirements will be included with the application. It was decided that the Public Hearing will be held on January 7th with a fee of $3,050 and $3,000 being refundable within 60 days following approval and repair must be completed within 30 days. Applications will be approved by the council or in emergency situations can be approved by the maintenance guys
Fees at the cemetery were discussed. Clerk Smith did some research with some surrounding cemeteries to compare our prices. Adam suggested to better define our geographic area in an updated Ordinance which has been from Smith Lane to Georgetown Summit and Nounan. Councilor Tee Steadman made the motion to follow Montpelier’s fee schedule of $250.00 per space for residents, $2,500.00 per space for non-residents, limiting to 4 per household, opening and closing a grave will be $250 from Monday-Friday before 4 pm and $400 after 4 pm on weekends and holidays and cremations are the same price. We will have a public hearing on the same night to finalize these new fees.
The parking situation in front of the church was discussed. Adam suggested creating an Ordinance to prohibit parking in front of the church on City streets or installing a no parking zone with no overnight parking or longer than 3 hours, if violated, they would be cited and subject to towing. Councilor Tee Steadman has been in touch with a couple of the mines that didn’t realize the problem we had with their employees and contractors parking there. We will wait to hear back what they come up with.
It was brought to the councils attention that a citizen may be in violation of an agreement had about not packing a firearm in his vehicle where he can threaten people. Adam will look into our agreement to see about terms and was also stressed that when citizens see these things, they need to call in and report it.
The council approved giving a donation of $500.00 to the senior citizen center.
The council approved Keller Associates to prepare our Annual Land Application report again this year but we will shop around for next year because they weren’t very responsive when we needed their help during our sewer pond crisis.
The Christmas Park Lighting Event will be held on Monday, December 2nd and the Bartschi’s have reached out about doing the food again this year. Tee will line up someone for Santa. Lynette has had a photographer reach out about coming to the event and the council agreed that she is welcome to come but wouldn’t be hired by the City.
Councilor Marty Nate reported that for the Trunk or Treat next year she would like to offer hot dogs and hot chocolate. The trunk or treat was well attended again this year despite the cold. It was noted to either shut down the road or move off the road to the baseball field or even the church parking lot and use that pavilion for the food. She asked about fixing the entrance into the post office from 2nd Street and the hole off the highway by the sidewalk. She has done some research about the splash pad in Paris and found out the City got the cement donated from Parson’s from their leftover jobs and the water is recycled and is used to water the park. The city bought the holding tank and said they need a bigger tank but it was expensive. They haven’t had any trouble with vandalism or abuse. She wondered about using a rubber mulch instead of concrete. She will continue doing some more research.
Councilor Tee Steadman brought an idea of somehow motivating/incentivizing citizens to input a sprinkler system as a way to conserve water. He stated that we need to find a way to make improvements to our infrastructure or move in a different direction to prevent installing water meters. For example, even if we were to give a kickback to our 128 connections it could still be cheaper than getting a $2 million loan for our infrastructure.
Police Report: Sheriff Bart Heslington was unable to attend the council meeting but emailed a report for the council to review. They completed 60.5 hours and had 201 contacts resulting in 5 citations and 32 warnings and 28 traffic stops. He also said they can put the police car up for surplus auction and we just need to set a minimum price for it. The Mayor suggested a $3500 minimum with the equipment. Lynette will work with Bart for the information. The council reviewed the amounts coming in from citations each month.
Maintenance Report: Hadley Wright gave their report for the month of October and stated that he and Shane have been busy at the sewer ponds putting it back together, finalized the seepage test on the pond, serviced the backhoe and had to replace a fuel pump. Alice is almost done with the power at the park and shed, they got a new fuel storage tank, winterized everything at the land app site and all hoses, etc, and took the samples for the month.
Office Business: There are 21 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of October. Lynette reported that she was able to use the messaging service for a couple of messages this month and was able to send separate messages to each of the delinquents directly. Lynette has a conflict with the date of our next meeting since she will be out of town for a week. After discussion it was decided that the meeting will remain on Tuesday, December 3rd and councilor Marty Nate will take the minutes. The Mayor requested that she send out a message to citizens that UPS has the city on a deferment delivery service and will only deliver packages 2 days a week. Unless we all call customer service and complain it will be permanent as of the first of the year.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of October 2024 in the amount of $30,221.79 in the general fund, $12,816.82 in the water fund, and $34,218.90 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $77,257.51. Councilor Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried the council.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate that council adjourns from the November 2024 council meeting at 9:50 pm. Councilor Tee Steadman seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith, City Clerk-Treasurer

December Council Meeting Agenda

November 27th, 2024


Tuesday, December 3, 2024 City Hall 7:00 pm



READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES from November 7, 2024, regular meeting


 Sunrise Engineering – Transportation Plan Grant
 Recap Christmas Park Lighting Event
 City Audit Engagement Letter with Matthew Regen & Associates in Logan, UT
 Christmas Light Contest
 Employee Christmas Bonus


POLICE REPORT: Bear Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Update on Police Car


OFFICE BUSINESS: Delinquent water and sewer accounts



Next Meeting:
• City Council regular meeting at 7:00 pm – January 7, 2024, Georgetown City Building – 382 Main St. Questions concerning items appearing on this Agenda or requests for accommodation of special needs to participate in the meeting should be addressed to the Office of the City Clerk or call 208-847-2120.

October Council Minutes

November 12th, 2024

October 1, 2024

Those Present: Trenton Morrell, Marty Nate, Tee Steadman, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, Maintenance Hadley Wright, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering, Sheriff Bart Heslington, Councilor Greg Kunz absent

Meeting called to order:               7:00 pm                               Invocation:         Mayor Steve Waechtler

The Council entertained a motion from Councilor Tee Steadman to approve the published agenda and was seconded by Councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The minutes from September 3, 2024, were read aloud by Clerk Smith and the Mayor. Councilor Marty Nate made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Police Report: Sheriff Bart Heslington came before the council to give their report. They completed 59.5 hours and had 115 contacts resulting in 9 citations and 13 warnings and 21 traffic stops. He reported that they have been out patrolling in the evenings and have ran into citizens out and about checking on things as well but have not been calling things in. He asked the council to spread the word to encourage people to call in and report things of importance so a record and history can be started.

Addison Ochsenbein, from Sunrise Engineering came before the council to report on the roadway projects. The project is completed and he reported on the issue at 6th Street but it was too late to fix as it was missed during the final walk through. The Mayor needs to sign the final pay application and notice of completion. He also reported that the grant he was thinking of to fix our bridge, LHTAC isn’t doing this year so he is looking into other options. He asked for some direction on the Transportation Plan and what our top concerns are. The council responded our main concerns are with kids safety getting to and from school, the sidewalks, crosswalk, signs for a crosswalk/flashing lights, etc. Parking is another major issue. The city owns the street in front of the church but we need some guidance on how to enforce who can park there and when, because it is always full and it affects when there are funerals, church on Sundays and the school parking during the school year. Sheriff Bart recommended using citations vs. towing. Was suggested that we can put up no parking signs unless on Sundays or for a funeral or can issue permits for park and ride. Bart is going to a meeting with Bayer shortly and will bring up the parking issue and the County can put up a vehicle counter on the edge of town and Stringtown to get a better idea of the traffic we have from spring to fall. Councilor Marty Nate made the motion to sign the final pay application for Avail Valley and Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Our City Attorney, Adam McKenzie, recommended not holding a public hearing for the road permit fees until we can publish exactly what we’re doing. It has been discussed to charge $1,000.00 with $50.00 being for the permit fee and $950.00 being a refundable deposit if the work gets completed in a timely manner. Councilor Trenton Morrell also suggested a $500.00 fee for disturbing the right of way to be charged to whomever pulls the permit if it’s the homeowner or the contractor. The No Dig policy is from November 15th to March 15th. Was suggested to issue a fine if anyone digs without a permit, even to gas companies and have a way to pull the permit and pay for the fee online. It was $2,500.00 to fix and asphalt Stringtown this year so maybe $1,000.00 isn’t enough and was discussed if we could set the fee on a case by case basis. Councilor Marty Nate is concerned of how to enforce and was tabled until the next meeting and we will invite Adam to attend.

Fees at the cemetery were discussed. Funeral homes have asked if we have different fees on the weekends as other cities double fees on Saturday’s. Was recommended to say no funerals on Sunday’s or Holiday’s. Our plot fees are also super cheap compared to other areas for our residents and we need to look at increasing those fees as well. It was decided to table until the next meeting and to call around to other cities to compare.

UpAhead Messaging Service was discussed. The company did another demo with Marty, Shane and Hadley present and was able to ask more questions. The Remind messaging service that we use now is limited with how many people can be in the group and is meant for schools, at some point we will be told we can’t use the system anymore. We can use the service for water and sewer service shutoff notices and not have to use personal phones, and can use for more things if we have it, since it is more like a phone and can also log in anywhere and send a message. It was suggested to ask if the Irrigation Company would be willing to share some of the fee for use during the summer months. Councilor Trenton Morrell asked if it would be better to purchase a cell phone that can send messages, the cons to that are that no one wants to pack around an additional phone. Councilor Marty Nate made the motion to move forward with the UpAhead Messaging Service and was seconded by Councilor Tee Steadman. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

The Trunk or Treat will be held on Halloween which is on a Thursday this year and we will start at 5:00 pm. Lynette will get flyers put up and handed out at the school.

The council discussed what to do with the old police car and that we need to sell it before it depreciates more. Sheriff Bart said he could check around if another small city needs it or we can strip all of the police stuff before it goes to auction. Lynette will send an email to Bart with the cars information, and he will report back at the next meeting.

Councilor Marty Nate reported she’s had some citizens concerned about when the cows will be coming down Stringtown from Slug Creek and Tee responded that he thinks they will truck the cows home and not trail them this year. She also said she would like to do a splash pad in the Park and wants to start planning towards that. Tee mentioned to reach out to the Mines about coming to a meeting and discuss help with funding for a splash pad and the parking issues.

Maintenance Report: Hadley Wright gave their report for the month of September and stated that he and Shane have been busy with mowing, checked on the spring, dug two graves, been helping with the power at the park and power to the shed is almost done. The service missionaries are scheduled to come on the second Tuesday of every month to help with projects. They have also been busy at the sewer ponds still and have installed a bypass line since the transfer structure is completely plugged. They will update all drawings with what they find and will tie it all in and have back to normal operating by tomorrow hopefully.

Office Business:   There are 18 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of September. She completed and distributed the CCR Water Report for the year. Our next meeting has a conflict with the elections and use of the building so the meeting was moved to Thursday, November 7th.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of September 2024 in the amount of $262,792.85 in the general fund, $8,584.60 in the water fund, and $28,066.41 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $299,443.86. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried the council.

The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate that council adjourns from the October 2024 council meeting at 9:35 pm. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted,



Lynette Smith

City Clerk-Treasurer

November Council Meeting

October 30th, 2024


THURSDAY, November 7, 2024 City Hall 7:00 pm



READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES from October 1, 2024, regular meeting


 Canvass Votes from November 5, 2024, Election
 To Discuss to adopt a fee and deposit for encroachment on roads Ordinance #96
 To Discuss Cemetery Plots – Increasing fees; weekend funerals
 Senior Citizen Center Donation
 Annual Land App Report Contract with Keller Associates
 Set Date for Christmas Park Lighting Event


POLICE REPORT: Bear Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Update on Police Car


OFFICE BUSINESS: Delinquent water and sewer accounts, Trunk or Treat Recap, December meeting date



Next Meeting:
• City Council regular meeting at 7:00 pm – , 2024, Georgetown City Building – 382 Main St. Questions concerning items appearing on this Agenda or requests for accommodation of special needs to participate in the meeting should be addressed to the Office of the City Clerk or call 208-847-2120.

September Council Minutes

October 2nd, 2024

September 3, 2024
Those Present: Greg Kunz, Trenton Morrell, Marty Nate, Mayor Steve Waechtler, Maintenance Supervisor Shane Clark, Maintenance Hadley Wright, City Clerk Lynette Smith, Addison Ochsenbein of Sunrise Engineering, Sheriff Bart Heslington, Councilor Tee Steadman absent
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm Invocation: Mayor Steve Waechtler
The Council entertained a motion from Councilor Greg Kunz to approve the published agenda and was seconded by Councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
The minutes from August 6, 2024, were read aloud by Clerk Smith. Councilor Marty Nate made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Councilor Greg Kunz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Police Report: Sheriff Bart Heslington came before the council to give their report. They did an OHV class at the Mayor’s place and it was well attended and the citizens appreciated having it. They completed 58.5 hours and had 184 contacts resulting in 13 citations and 7 warnings. Councilor Marty Nate questioned how the calls happen, and the process and timeline followed for how things are followed up on if a call in is made and Sheriff explained and stays in contact with our liaison Councilor Tee Steadman.
Addison Ochsenbein, from Sunrise Engineering came before the council to report on the roadway projects. The project is basically complete and they made it to 3rd, 6th, East and West Street. We ran out of money before they could do 5th Street or Hayes Lane. The Mayor will need to sign a notice of completion and waiting for a final pay application from Avail Valley. Addison inquired about applying for a grant to fix the bridge and will need ITD to come look and sign off on it. We did receive the Transportation Grant and he is working on putting together a scope for that and will present at the next council meeting.
Councilor Trenton Morrell made the motion to leave the regular meeting and move into public hearing for the purpose of accepting the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and to reopen the 2023-2024 budget to accept and expend the road grant. Councilor Greg Kunz seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Marty – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Motion carried. The Mayor then opened the floor to the public for discussion, comments or concerns. Clerk Smith reported that the office has not received any comments, written or verbal pertaining to the proposed budget. Councilor Marty Nate made the motion to leave the public hearing and go back to regular meeting. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Marty – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Motion carried. Councilor Trenton Morrell made the motion to accept the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as printed and to accept and expend $239,000 for the roadway grant. Councilor Marty Nate seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Ordinance #114 the appropriations ordinance for the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 was presented and read to the council. Councilor Greg Kunz made the motion to approve Ordinance #114 and was seconded by councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and a roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Marty – yes, Greg – yes, Trenton – yes. Motion carried.
Ordinance #96 was discussed for clarification on the wording and a deposit, raising the fee and having a separate permit fee. Anyone that cuts the road, bores under the road or does anything with the road should get and fill out the form and submit a fee. Shane will ask Kam Whitaker how much a trench would cost. Discussed to get a bill from Kam for Intermountain Gas to fix the patch on Stringtown. The Gas Company should be responsible to pay for the patch and should have gotten a permit to dig also. Questioned moving the no dig policy back to October 1st. Councilor Trenton Morrell brought up we are already charging $5,000 per utility hookup so we should keep the permit fee down to lower to $50 and refund the deposit. We will have a public hearing at the next meeting to raise the fees from $800 to $1000 and $950 would be refundable.
City Attorney, Adam McKenzie, revised our deeds for the cemetery to give to those that purchase plots. Councilor Greg Kunz made the motion to accept the new form and was seconded by Councilor Trenton Morrell. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. It was discussed to raise the fees at the next meeting as well for the purchase of plots and that no trees can be planted throughout the cemetery or by citizens.
UpAhead Messaging Service has reached out to Lynette and seems to be a better way to get word out to a community. We are currently using our website, Facebook and the Remind app but where we aren’t a school we probably technically shouldn’t be using the app. This service would have a set up cost and then $100 per month. The council decided to hold off for now and to have some other members come in for a demo with them to see how the messaging service works before we make a decision.
Councilor Marty Nate brought up her concerns with big trucks traveling on Hayes Lane and wondered why they can’t turn off of Stringtown instead. The Mayor said that the traffic will stop or at least slow down once the construction of the home is completed.
Councilor Trenton Morrell reported that he and Councilor Tee Steadman have found another guy to communicate with for the State Highway and they have talked about moving forward with our school zone along the highway to get traffic to slow down during the hours that kids are traveling to and from school. The State is currently working on updating their templates and then we can move forward with an agreement between the City and State to complete the school zone. He also inquired about some senior projects the City would need done. One suggestion was to paint the playground equipment. He will find out more criteria to see if we have more projects we could use help with.
Maintenance Report: Shane Clark gave their report for the month of August and stated that he and Hadley have been busy with the road project, marked utilities and had a grave opening. They have gotten their monthly samples and the spring has a lot of water right now. The weeds at the cemetery have been sprayed. The service missionaries have came and painted the pavilion. We need to do one more seepage test at the other lagoon and have had issues there with it being plugged; there must be a leak or a pipe broke somewhere. They are continuing to work on that and get issues resolved there.
Office Business: There are 15 delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of August. Lynette asked if the Mayor is interested in participating in the Mayor’s Walking Challenge again this year and if he walks 10,000 steps the month of October, we can get $1000. He will participate again but needs a new watch. Lynette received an inquiry about doing a 3-year contract for the fireworks at Twin Creek Days. Concerns were that the Mayor and Sorenson’s are the primary ones that receive donations for the fireworks and once his term is served, we would still be locked into that price. If nobody continues to do the leg work to raise the funds, is the City willing to still pay for that service each year. The City opted to stick to a year to year basis.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate for the council to approve checks and vouchers for the month of August 2024 in the amount of $28,855.47 in the general fund, $10,623.48 in the water fund, and $23,897.51 in the sewer fund, with all funds totaling $63,376.46. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and motion carried the council.
The chair entertained a motion from Councilor Marty Nate that council adjourns from the September 2024 council meeting at 9:00 pm. Councilor Trenton Morrell seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Smith
City Clerk-Treasurer

Consumer Confidence Report

September 25th, 2024

Copies can be found hanging at the post office or the City Hall.

CCR Report 2021 2022 & 2023