Ordinance #2: Duties of Officers



BE IT ORDAINED by the Chairman and Board of the Village of Georgetown, Idaho.


That the Chairman and police judge shall perform the duties prescribed for them in and by an act of the Legislature of Idaho, entitled “An Act of Provide for the Organization, Government and powers of Cities and Villages, ” approved March 4, 1893, and Acts amendatory and supplemental thereto.


The policeman first appointed by the Board as herein provided shall be the Chief of Police of said Village, and he shall, by himself or those under him, for whose official acts he shall be held officially responsible, do and perform the duties of policeman and of the overseer of streets and enumerated in the Act above referred to , and in addition thereto it shall be his duty to collect, receive, receipt for and keep an account of all monies due the Village on account of fines and licenses of any and all kinds, and to pay the same over to the Village Clerk, taking his receipt therefore, and to deliver licenses upon payment therefore.


That the Village Clerk shall have the custody of all laws and ordinances of the Village and shall record all ordinances as they are approved in a book to be provided for that purpose, and shall keep in a separate record a correct journal of all proceedings of the Board and read the same after the opening of each meeting;; he shall keep an account, with the Chief of Police of said Village, charging him with all licenses issued to him and crediting him with monies or unpaid licenses returned therefore, issuing such licenses upon his  request; he shall also perform the duties required of him by the Act above referred to , and in addition thereto it shall be his duty to receive all monies due the Village, keep a just and true account of the same, pay them over to the Treasurer as soon as practicable, draw and countersign warrants, licenses, etc., by order of the Board, and at the end of his official term to have his books written out for eth inspection of the Finance Committee.  His books and records shall at all times be open to the inspection of residents and interested parties.  In case of absence from any meeting of the Board he shall send his records for their use of such meeting.  On leaving his office he shall deliver to his successor all books, papers, records, and journals pertaining to his office.


That the Village Treasurer shall perform the duties required of him by the Acts above referred to, and in addition thereto, it shall be his duty to receive all monies from the Clerk, keep a true, just and regular account of the same, and pay them out upon warrants drawn and counter-signed by the Clerk and signed by the Chairman, by order of the Board.  His books shall at all times be open to the inspection of taxpayers and interested parties, and at the end of his term they shall be posted up for inspection of the Finance Committee and there bye delivered to his successor in office.


That any officer or agent elected or appointed by said Board or the authority thereof, shall when requested by any rule or ordinance of the Board, give bond, with sufficient surety, to be approved by the Board in the sum and with the condition or conditions, fixed or to be fixed by the Board and otherwise qualify as the Board may direct, before entering upon the duties of his office.


That there shall be six standing committees of the Board, viz:  A committee on Ordinance, a committee on General Improvements, a committee on streets, a committee on Law and Order, and a committee on Printing.


That there shall in addition to the standing committees be special committees as the Chairman shall from time to time deem necessary for the public welfare, to be appointed at such times and in such a manner as he may direct.


That it shall be the duty of the committee on Ordinances to examine and report upon any and every rule, regulation, by-law or ordinance presented or proposed for the consideration of the Board, also to examine and report upon all petitions, resolutions, protests and memorials presented for the consideration of the Board; to perform such other and further duties as devolve upon them by order of the Board.


That it shall be the duty of the committee of Finance to examine and report upon all propositions for taxation and license and to make estimates as to the probable expenses and to make an apportionment of taxes; to examine the accounts of the Clerk and Treasurer; to adjust the same, and to examine and audit all bills, accounts and claims that may be presented to the Board for payment; and to make a full financial report annually.


That it shall be the duty of the committee on General Improvements to have general supervision of all public improvements made by order of the Board and make their report thereon at each regular meeting of the Board; to examine and report upon all propositions and requests for public improvements requiring the e expenditure of money; to recommend to the Board from time to time such changes and improvements as in their estimation shall be for the public welfare; to do and perform such other and further duties as may be imposed upon them by action of the Board.


That it shall be the duty of the committee on Streets to have general supervision of all streets, sidewalks, alleys and bridges within the limits of the corporation, to examine and report upon all application ; to make additions to the Village as now laid out and defined.


That it shall be the duty of the committee on Law and Order to have general supervision of the police force and make such reports thereon as they deem necessary and expedient; to have general supervision of fire protection, of sanitary matters and hygiene of nuisances; with full power to suppress the same by summary proceedings, vagrants, of disorderly conduct on the part of citizens or people temporarily within the jurisdiction of the Boars, of people in destitute circumstances or suffering from want, with power and authority to furnish them temporary relief at the expense or on the credit of fund to be designated by the Board for that purpose; to perform such other duties as may be imposed up them by the Board; and at each stated meeting to make a report of all their acts and of matters coming under their observation and within their authority.


That it shall be the duty of the committee on Printing to negotiate and contract with printers and publishers for any and all printing necessary to be done for or on behalf of said Village or which may be ordered by the eh Chairman and Board thereof, in the manner which may appear most beneficial and advantageous for said Village, provided, however, that any printing contract made by such committee on behalf of the Board shall be subject to the approval and ratification off the Chairman and Board.


That is shall be the duty of standing committees to make a report of their doings at each and every regular meeting of the Chairman an Board and at any other time when required so to do by the Chairman or any three members of the Board.  It shall be the duty of any and all officers of said Village to file at the end of each and every fiscal year, at the end of their term of office, a report in writing of what he has done in, about and during his term of office, which said report shall thereupon become and be a part of the records of said Village Board.