January 5, 2010 – City Council Minutes

January 5, 2010

Those present:  Bob Van Cleave, Kelli Van Cleave, Annell Williamson, Joe DeClark, Wanda Dunn, Duane Peterson, Gary Thompson, Vaughn Rasmussen, Doug Thompson, Sandra Donato, VerJean Turner, Barry Bergholm, Ada DeClark, Kevin Nate, Justin Smith, Mario Johnson, Steve Hill, Jordan Morrell, Quade Smith, Nicholas Johnson, Johnnie Wells, Brad Wells

Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm

Invocation: Joe DeClark

The chair entertained a motion from council member Annell Williamson the council approve an addition to the agenda: revision of the duty roster. Council member Barry Bergholm seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes, Duane – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Minutes from the December 1, 2009 Public hearing and council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the minutes as read. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Minutes from the December 10, 2009 public hearing were read. Council member Duane Peterson corrected the minutes to strike his name from the approving the second motion. He was not in attendance. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the minutes with the noted correction. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by Barry, Annell, and Joe.

The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of December 2009 in the amount of $17,069.14 in the general fund, $6,656.55 in the water fund, $14,246.54 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $37,972.23. Council member Duane Peterson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

City Clerk Marty Nate administered the oath of office to Robert Van Cleave as Mayor for the City of Georgetown, Ada DeClark and Gary Thompson as council members for the city of Georgetown. Mayor Van Cleave took charge of the meeting.

Gary Teuscher reviewed the Audit for fiscal year 2009 with the council members and those present. The chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council accept the audit for fiscal year 2009. Council member Ada DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Sandra Donato approached the council with information concerning a grant opportunity for funds to develop the recreational access right of way. The grant offer comes from the USDA forest service department. She also updated the council with the progress the Horizon Committee has made with that grant process. She stressed community involvement and invited those present to participate in the development process. She asked the council if they would approve her applying for the grant which will incorporate city property. The chair entertained a motion from council member Ada DeClark the council approve Sandra Donato applying for the grant from the USDA Forest Service to develop the recreational access use property. Council member Duane Peterson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Mayor Van Cleave asked the council to study and read the proposed nuisance ordinance draft he had written. He suggested the council come to the next meeting with suggestions and comments on the draft. He asked the council to approve him sending the draft to the City attorney for revision and research. The chair entertained a motion from council member Gary Thompson the council approve Mayor Van Cleave to send the ordinance draft to the city attorney for reviewing and research. Council member Ada DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously.

Mayor Van Cleave read Ordinance #12 and asked the council to consider repealing Ordinance #12 which deals with the killing of dogs for a fee of $.25. The ordinance is an old ordinance on the books and is not a necessary law for the present time. The chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council repeal Ordinance #12 in its entirety. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously.

The council reviewed a letter from a citizens requesting a new water line to be installed down east street, approval for a fence to be extended onto city right of way, and a tree situated on the recreational access right of way to be removed by him at his expense. The council discussed the issue with Doug. Doug told the council the water line definitely needs to be replaced, the fence, he felt, needed to stay where it was and the tree did not add any asset to the right of way. The council discussed the issue at length. The chair entertained a motion from council member Ada DeClark the council instruct Marty to find out from ICRMP the liability issue involved with the tree removal and a letter be issued to the citizen relating the council’s decision. Council member Gary Thompson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Joe – yes, Duane – yes, Ada – yes, Gary – yes.

Police Report: Officer Skinner had 53 contacts.

Maintenance Report: Doug tried to fix the defunct fire hydrant, but could not repair it. It needs to be replaced; water to the hydrant is shut off; met with Keller Engineering for an update on the study; took samples fro water and sewer; sent the EPA letter, decorated the park; packed down the road to the cemetery; needs new cutting edges for the plow; repaired a water leak; started heat tot he chlorinator building; shut off three water connections.

Marty reported 14 delinquent water and sewer accounts.

Mayor Van Cleave assigned Ada DeClark to supervise the planning and zoning and Gary Thompson the water department.

The chair entertained a motion from council member Joe DeClark the council adjourn from the January 2010 council meeting. Council member Ada DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted by,


Marty Nate, City Clerk

City of Georgetown

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