October 13, 2009 – City Council Minutes

October 13, 2009

 Those Present:  Duane Peterson, Annell Williamson, Albert Johnson, Barry Bergholm, Joe DeClark


Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm

Invocation: Annell Williamson

Minutes from the September 1, 2009 council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the minutes as read. Council member Duane Peterson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed the council unanimously. Minutes from the September 15, 2009 special council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from Council member Annell Williamson the council approve the minutes as read. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. The motion carried the council. Minutes from the October 6, 2009 council meeting were read. The chair entertained a motion from council member Joe DeClark the council approve the minutes as read. Council member Duane Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried the council.

Mayor Johnson told the council new agenda items had been brought to his attention this very day and needed to be discussed by the council. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the new agenda items, i.e. Kimsey property, Russ Hayes Family letter, and add them to the agenda. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Duane – yes, Joe – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously.


The project site for the city RV dumping station was discussed. Jim and Karen Miller had a concern with traffic hold-up and flow and suggested the city look at other alternatives. Construction on the station will not take place this year which will give the council time to look at other sites and alternatives. The county clerk’s office has noted some discrepancy with some of the city streets. Street signs and city ordinances do not coincide with each other. Marty was instructed to look through the minutes to see if streets had been renamed and if the street signs were ordered to reflect those changes. Mayor Johnson told the council the city had received funds from the US Forest Service for the irrigation company. Funds had to be transferred to the city because the irrigation company did not have the means to accept the fund transfer. The chair entertained a motion from council member Joe DeClark the council authorize and approve the payment of invoices for the Georgetown Irrigation company with the installation of the pipe at the city overflow. The installation will help the forest service with the newly installed fish ladder. Council member Barry Bergholm seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes, Duane – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm due to election day the council change the scheduled November city council meeting to Wednesday, November 4, 2009. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes, Duane – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. The chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council approve the purchase of a 36” bucket for the backhoe. The bucket will be purchased and used by the irrigation company and the city. The city will purchase 51% of the bucket. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes, Duane – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Mayor Johnson told the council a petition had circulated around the community requesting the heirs of Robert Kimsey (546 Main St.) to clean up the property. The petition had a threatening connotation. He had visited with County Commissioner Vaughn Rasmussen about the petition and Rasmussen was going to check with the county prosecutor about the statements on the petition. Council member Duane Peterson volunteered to call the person circulating the petition and ask them to hold off on sending it. The council discussed the property issue and the petition. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the Mayor to contact City attorney Adam McKenzie and seek legal counsel as to the issue. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes, Duane – yes. All were in favor and the motion carried the council. Mayor Johnson asked the council if there had been approval for a letter to be written to the Russ Hayes family members concerning the weeds and dry grass to be removed on his property (579 Stringtown Lane). Marty told the council she had written the letter at the request of concerned citizens. A copy of the letter was read to the council. Mayor Johnson suggested the council be informed of such letters so they may be aware of ramifications if they developed.

The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of September 2009 in the amount of $27,472.40 in the general fund, $6,219.75 in the water fund, $11,177.93 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $44,870.08. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. All were in favor and a the motion carried the council.

Mayor Johnson reminded the council members when council meeting was adjourned council members needed to leave and not linger for social hour that could be construed as an illegal meeting. At 8:30 pm, the chair entertained a motion from council member Duane Peterson the council adjourn from the October 2009 council meeting. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted by,

Marty Nate, City Clerk

City of Georgetown

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