City Council Meeting – June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

Those Present:  Anna Campbell, Annell Williamson, VerJean Turner, Trent Clark, Josie Rudolphi, Merri Johnson, Barry Bergholm, Albert Johnson, Joe DeClark, Wanda Dunn, Roland Smith, Ferrell Dilworth, Sandra Donato, Robin Landfair, Doug Thompson, Susan Dilworth, Terri Eynon

Meeting called to order:7:00 pm

Invocation:Annell Williamson

Minutes from the May 5, 2009 council meeting were read. Mayor Johnson requested the minutes reflect “the county landfill allows a 5 ton dumping limit with no fee;” the chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council accept the minutes with the addition. Council member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Mayor Johnson told the council the Arbor Day Celebration will take place at the DUP building on June 9th and 5:00 pm. Three of the purchased trees will be planted on the DUP property. Everyone is invited to attend. Trent Clark and Josie Rudolph (Monsanto) visited with the council concerning the opening of a new phosphorus mine in and around the Blackfoot River area. The corporation is seeking a permit for the new mine and are encouraging citizens and communities to submit comments on the proposed Blackfoot Bridge Mine. Information packets were passed out to those seeking more information on the mine and its economic intent. Roland Smith told the council the website at present contained all the city ordinance and resolutions. He asked if the council had any suggestions for the site. All seemed to be running smoothly with the site. Mayor Johnson expressed gratitude to the members of the planning committee for their many hours of volunteer work done on the comprehensive plan. He passed out certificates to those members of the committee in attendance. The Arbor Day grant purchased 6 trees for the park, 2 for the cemetery, 3 for the DUP, and 1 for the school area. Terri Eynon asked the council to approve a lot split for Gus Berning owing property located at 594 Stringtown Lane and along the Hayes Lane. He would like to split the property into 3- 1 acre parcels. The council approved the split noting there was plenty of property to do so. Mayor Johnson read the Impact Area Ordinance Draft to those attending. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the ordinance draft and the attached impact area map and instructed Marty to assign the ordinance the proper number. Council Member Annell Williamson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously. Council Member Barry Bergholm made motion the council suspend the 3 reading rule for the ordinance. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously. The building permit for Jim Price was reviewed. The chair entertained a motion from council member Barry Bergholm the council approve the building permit. Council member Annell Williamsons seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously. Council member Joe DeClark told the council Agrium will spread dust retardant on the road from the forest boundary to the project site to help with the dust issue while the Central Farmers remedial action plan is taking place for the summer. Mayor Johnson told the council he had not heard from Keller Engineering with regards to the feasibility study. VerJean Turner addressed the council with concerns with the property at 546 Main St. She has been in contact with members of the family owing the property and is awaiting permission to clean up the premises. City clean up week is scheduled for the week of July 6-10. Anna Campbell told the council she is in need of city intervention with regards to the animal issue her neighbor is imposing on her. She reviewed with the council Ordinance #27 and discussed the problem she lives next to. The council discussed the issue and reviewed the ordinance. Mayor Johnson will contact city attorney Adam McKenzie and have him look at the ordinance and give the council direction as to how to proceed with the enforcement of the ordinance. The chair entertained motion from Council Member Annell Williamson the council approve a $500.00 reward amount to anyone coming forth with information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who vandalized the bear in the city park. Reward posting to be posted at city hall, and the post office, announcement on the radio and in the newspaper. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and is as follows: Annell – yes, Barry – yes, Joe – yes. The motion passed the council unanimously.

Police Report: Officer Skinner had 62 contacts.

Maintenance Report: Doug shut off 3 water connections, took water and sewer samples, fixed a leak on 7th Street and East Street, both lines need to be replaced, had the county come spray the sewer lagoons, sent the EPA letter, patched roads, marked for Digline, mowed and trimmed for Memorial Day, repaired the lawn mower took vacation days.

Marty reported 13 delinquent water and sewer accounts. Reviewed the Twin Creeks Celebration with the council.

The chair entertained a motion from council member Annell Williamson the council approve checks and vouchers for the month of May 2009 in the amount of $8,987.21 in the general fund, $5,489.74 in the water fund, $10,242.75 in the sewer fund with all funds totaling $24,719.70. Council member Barry Bergholm seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

At 9:40 pm, the chair entertained a motion from council member Annell Williamson he council adjourn from the June 2009 council meeting. Council member Joe DeClark seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried the council.

Respectfully submitted by,

Marty Nate, City Clerk

City of Georgetown

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